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May First Friday

  • ShowUp 524 Harrison Avenue Boston, MA, 02118 United States (map)

Join us for a First Friday event at ShowUp!

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A Stone in My Shoe is a collection of multimedia artwork made by Boston-area artist Caron Tabb in response to feelings of grief, compassion, and resilience. Each piece in this body of work is deeply personal but intends to resonate universally, bridging individual burdens and collective pain. 

The title seeks to evoke both a physical sensation and an emotional resonance. The metaphor of a stone in one’s shoe speaks to the physical pain of something small yet persistently painful, often unnoticed by others. The sensation mirrors the universality of an unseen emotional burden, weighing on us even as we may appear outwardly composed. It straddles the personal and collective grief felt by so many. 

The works, crafted entirely in white, consist primarily of fiber installations, drawing upon the rich symbolism of Judaism and textile art to explore the intersection of emotion, spirituality and personal identity.  

April 27

Fiber Arts as a Form of Spiritual Practice: Artist Talk with Caron Tabb and Sam Fields, Moderated by Merill Comeau

May 21

In Conversation: Caron Tabb & Joanna Rakoff